NIMPE is a project that aims at supporting the internationalisation of live music and events enterprises (especially young and newly started enterprises) within Europe, trying to overcome the difficulties encountered by the sectors operators and suggesting competitive models to be tested and assessed and then shared amongst the European countries, in perspective of strengthening the overall competitiveness of the system, even towards the extra European countries.
Partners Coordinator: Assomusica Associazione (IT)
Partners: Den Selvejende Institution Swinging Europe (DK), Drustvo Studentski kulturni center (SI), M.E.S.O. Music Events (GR), Root Music LTD (UK), Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille (FR)
Project Description (Source: EAC)
NIMPE Project has been created in response the difficulties encountered by the music production companies when exporting and internationalizing their projects or activities. The international activities of music and event producers are generally limited by a lack of information about the other markets, the lack of access to bank loan, the absence of a structured institutional support and their shortage of marketing capacity.
NIMPE main aim is to encourage and support the internationalization of live music production companies, with a particular attention to small/recently born ones. NIMPE is aiming at giving tools to the companies producing live music so that they could assess the market and could promote their international activity.
At same time, NIMPE will create a live music producer, technicians and stakeholders network in order to develop intersectorial training, networking and coproducing activities. To achieve the objective of the project, NIMPE will develop specific activities and deliverables, as NIMPE workbook – an online and paper tool covering all music producers’ internationalization needs and the NIMPE Factory, an international event with the purpose of: training target groups, creating networking opportunities and implementing live music co-productions.
NIMPE will as well foster the circulation of emerging bands: the NIMPE Factory will indeed host 15 showcases from 5 participating Countries, thus enabling them to live a unique international experience.
NIMPE can count on the support of some of the most relevant cultural/music institutions and events organizers at EU level, with their impressive impact capability on the sector. Moreover, NIMPE project is inserted on a longer-term perspective, ensuring its sustainability even after its end, as it is intended to be a pilot-project to test and assess some of the tools and strategies that Assomusica will adopt in the future network of music professionals it’s constituting, on a larger EU scale.
Assomusica Associazione (IT) Bundesverband der Veranstaltungswirtschaft e.V. (DE), Brighter Sound (UK), Cclep (EU) European Live Music Association (BE), European Music Day Association (BE), European Research and Innovation Agency for Cultural Clusters (BE) European Music Day Greek Network (GR), Labart (GR) Linecheck Festival (IT), MESO Events (GR), MMF-italy (IT) Music Raiser (IT), Nouvelle Prague (CZ), Rock Madness (GR) Root Music (UK), SIGIC (SI), SMOUTH (GR), SKUC (SI), Swinging Europe (DK), Take Berlin Promotion (HU), Tak Brzmi Miasto Showcase festival (PL).
Project duration: 1. 12. 2016 – 31. 5. 2019